
Dentist Gives A Veteran Named ‘Smiley’ $60K Worth of Implants

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Larry “Smiley” Kleiman, a U.S. veteran who did two tours of duty in Vietnam, decided to visit a dentist about his teeth, and about the possibility of dental implants. After all, Kleiman’s nickname is “Smiley,” but he no longer had any of his natural teeth. The dentist who met with Kleiman, Dr. Michael Tischler, found […]

Wisdom Teeth Patient Wins Free Super Bowl Tickets

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A young Philadelphia woman, Haley Parks, happened to be caught on video after her wisdom teeth removal procedure. And Parks, 21, happened to talk about her undying love for the Philadelphia Eagles. And the video happened to go viral. What happened next, much to Haley Parks’ thrill and delight, was a surprise. The Eagles’ management […]

Washington Woman Wins Free Surgery

young woman smiling at reflection in mirror

Whenever an oral surgeon does something for his or her community and neighbors, it fills us with pride and joy here at Wilmington Oral Surgery. Our colleagues in Washington state popped up in the news recently for their second annual “Smile Again” program. Here is the report from KEPR, the local CBS news affiliate. With […]

Addressing The Opioid Crisis

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By now, nearly all of us either know or are aware of someone affected by the opioid epidemic. Wilmington Oral Surgery has been proactive in combatting this problem. For many years now, our office has taken initiative to encourage natural and homeopathic measures in order to minimize pain and accelerate healing. When pain medications are […]

“Non-metal” Dental Implants?

dental implants

Patients sometimes wonder if ceramic dental implants are better for their health compared to titanium dental implants. Most dental implants placed are made of titanium and have a silver color. The white implants are made of zirconium, but are marketed as a nonmetal implant. Interestingly, both titanium and zirconium are transitional metals in the same […]

Reclaim Your Smile

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Within three years, 37 million Americans will be missing all of their upper and/or lower teeth, and millions of others will be struggling through a long history of dental problems and pain. Currently, nearly five million Americans have all of their teeth removed every year. We all know friends or family members who need a […]

Pop and Your Teeth

How Soda Can Affect Your Teeth Pop and sports drinks are the most common drinks of people in their twenties and younger. Unfortunately, there is a high rate of cavities associated with these beverages. The increasing rate of cavities in younger and younger patients has been alarming! The two most common areas of cavities are […]

Are your teeth worth $4 a day?

Smoking And Oral Cancer Most of us are aware of the correlation of smoking and oral cancer. However, a large majority of patients are not aware of the increased risk of bone loss associated with smoking. Many years of research has demonstrated a direct correlation between smoking and periodontal disease. Unfortunately, this bone loss does […]

Mouth Lumps and Bumps

Mouth Checks Ups

Mouth Checks Ups By Your Dentists Are Important Small lumps and bumps in the mouth are noticed more frequently than one might imagine. These lesions can involve any surface in the mouth. More common areas include the lips, cheeks, tongue and beneath dentures. Nearly all of these lesions are benign, but can still cause pain, […]

Oral Cancer

oral surgeon's office

Early Detection Is Important Oral cancer remains a significant health issue in Clinton County. Nearly 35,000 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in 2008 in the United States. Risk factors for oral cancer include smoking, smokeless tobacco use, long-term alcohol use, or exposure to HPV-16 (human papilloma virus). HPV-16 is also associated with most […]

To Consult or Not to Consult?

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We are frequently asked about the need for consults. In order to provide excellent care for your patients, consults are a routine part of our treatment. Exceptions, however, are present: Patients desiring only local anesthesia for treatment will be treated on the initial visit if possible or practical. Significant infection where waiting would not be […]

Different Mouthguards Available For Protection Of Teeth

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Various Options For Mouthguards A mouthguard custom designed to fit your mouth will be more comfortable and offer greater protection. It will also be more resilient and tear resistant. It must minimally interfere with speaking and breathing. Not only must it fit properly, it should have enough thickness in critical areas to fully protect your […]