Is Dental Implant Surgery an Option for Kids with Facial Trauma?
For adults, surgical intervention for replacing teeth with dental implants is completely safe and highly effective at restoring the look and function of your teeth. The added bonus is that, even more than not affecting the other teeth around the implant, it actually stabilizes the other teeth, your jaw, and your bite. Dental implants are […]
Dental Implants: Look, Function, or Both?
As far as options for replacing missing teeth go, the most holistic method of tooth replacement is dental implant surgery. Yes, it’s invasive; yes, it requires patience and healing time; yes, it may require preliminary dental bone grafting. But it’s worth it. Dental implants are the only permanent solution to tooth replacement that look and […]
Zirconia Dental Implants vs. Titanium Dental Implants
A lot has changed with cosmetic tooth implants over the years. The approach dates back nearly 4000 years ago, but the first-ever implant as we know them today was installed in a patient’s jaw in 1965. And from there, modern technology has continued innovating to help us create tooth implants that are made of quality […]
I’m Missing a Tooth. What Options do I have for Tooth Replacement?
If you’re missing one or more teeth, don’t fret. First of all, apparently the average middle-aged American is missing seven teeth, so you’re not alone. And nowadays, there are several options to replace those teeth, including holistic tooth replacement that restores not only the look but the biological functions of your teeth and jaw. Before […]
Much of the World Has Spent Millennia Installing Dental Implants
We tend not to think about dentistry as a practice that’s thousands of years old. Or we simply don’t know that it is. After all, the Mayans drilling holes in their teeth to permanently implant gems isn’t something you learn in history class. But they did. And they weren’t the first to permanently alter their […]
Dental Bone Grafting: What It Is & How to Recover
Nobody wants to lose a tooth. But if you don’t replace the tooth through a dental implant, or even a less costly dental procedure like a bridge or dentures, your jawbone will deteriorate because it’s literally trying to reabsorb the area where the missing tooth was. This can make it difficult for your jawbone to […]
7 Replacement Options for Missing Teeth
Missing a tooth or facing a tooth extraction? You’re not alone. In fact, the average adult aged 35 to 49 in the United States is missing seven teeth. Even kids sometimes lose their adult teeth and end up needing full or partial dentures. Assuming maybe 4 of those “missing” teeth are due to a routine […]
Will Insurance Cover My Dental Implants? A Guide to Covering the Cost
Are you considering dental implants? They are the best option for tooth replacement because they look and function like your natural teeth, and they preserve the health of your other teeth and your jaw as a whole. But they are also expensive, and not all insurance companies cover them, because some consider them purely cosmetic. […]
Need a Dental Bone Graft: What to Expect
So your oral surgeon confirms that you are a candidate for dental implants, but you’ll need a dental bone graft first. This is a fairly common procedure in oral surgery. It is sometimes needed if the jawbone isn’t strong enough, as is often the case if you’ve had missing teeth and the jawbone has worn […]
Why Are Dental Implants Your Best Option for Teeth Replacement?
Are you missing teeth? Are you getting a tooth extraction and need a tooth replacement? It happens to the best of us, whether it’s a result of age, tooth decay, or accidental facial trauma. But what you don’t want to do with a missing, damaged or infected tooth is ignore it. This can lead to […]
No, Dental Bone Grafts Aren’t Painful — What You Need to Know
So you’ve been told you’re a candidate for dental implants — the best solution for tooth loss there is. And then your maxillofacial surgeon brings up a dental bone graft. Yep, it looks like you’re going to need one. What now? Relax. Dental bone grafts sound worse than they really are. The truth is, this […]
Are Dental Implants for Tooth Replacement Considered Cosmetic?
If you face tooth replacement, your oral surgeon has probably told you about the benefits of dental implants. They function just as naturally as your original teeth. They are a permanent solution to lost teeth. To the naked eye, they look every bit like your original tooth. But are dental implants considered to be just […]