
Forensic Dental Anthropology: Did the Ancients Take Care of Their Teeth?

missing teeth represented by puzzle

Are our teeth and gums better than those of people who lived 5000 years ago? Believe it or not, the answer to this question is not an unequivocal “Yes, of course”; it’s actually more like “Well, in some ways, yes, and in other ways, no”. There’s a lot that goes on with regards to oral […]

The Delicate Dance of Dental Insurance and Oral Surgery Explained

woman considering dental work

So, we all know that dental insurance covers our bi-yearly dental cleanings and exams; a general rule of thumb with all types of health insurance is that preventative care is almost always covered completely, maybe minus a copay or two. Many plans include yearly oral x-rays in this coverage. But after cleanings and exams, things […]

Wilmington Oral Surgery Medical / Dental 2022 Scholarships Awarded!

graduation cap

Congratulation Seniors! Each year, Wilmington Oral Surgery selects a local high school student who is interested in pursuing a career in the dental or medical field to receive a Scholarship Award. This year, we awarded three scholarships to three local Clinton County students in the amount of $1,000 each. And the winners are…. Wilmington High […]

Looking at the Options for Tooth Replacement: Which one’s Best?

dental care worker holding replica of mouth

It’s hard to objectively answer which way of replacing lost teeth is “best,” because everyone’s mouth is different. We can discuss what’s ideal in cases of lost teeth, but a patient’s needs, health or dental coverage means each case can be different. There are four main methods for replacing teeth: dentures, bridges, implant bridges, and […]

Repairing Massive Facial Trauma after an Accident

prep for tooth extraction

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons might be the ultimate puzzle solvers. Facial trauma, especially when it involves complex fractures, requires a specialized hand and an understanding of the intricately-balanced structures in the face and jaw. Ever seen an archaeologist try to reconstruct shattered pottery? It’s kind of like that. How do you know if you need […]

Artificial Sugars vs Natural Sugars: Which is the Lesser Evil?

woman considering dental work

We know sugar isn’t good for your overall health, and that definitely includes your teeth. From almost infancy, it seems as if parents and dentists everywhere constantly express the dangers of too much sugar. “It’ll rot your teeth out!”, “You’ll get cavities!”, “All your teeth will fall out!”. While hyperbolic, our parents and oral health […]

Who Corrects Cleft Palates in Children?

reasons for pediatric oral surgery

Cleft palates in infants aren’t super common, but they’re common enough they warrant the need for a specialist in pediatric maxillofacial surgery to understand how to repair them. Cleft palates can be dangerous for the health of an infant, and will lessen their quality of life with difficulty feeding, eating and (later) speaking. Infants with […]

Impacted Eye Teeth: What are They and How does Oral Surgery Fix it?

dental professional with xray of mouth on tablet

When you hear about impacted teeth, your first thought is likely a complex wisdom tooth extraction that includes shaving into the jaw and/or dental bone grafting to complete. The word “impacted” never gives you a good feeling. But other teeth can become impacted, too, and one of the most common teeth that fail to erupt […]

Dental Implants: Look, Function, or Both?

young woman smiling at reflection in mirror

As far as options for replacing missing teeth go, the most holistic method of tooth replacement is dental implant surgery. Yes, it’s invasive; yes, it requires patience and healing time; yes, it may require preliminary dental bone grafting. But it’s worth it. Dental implants are the only permanent solution to tooth replacement that look and […]

Can I Still Have my Wisdom Teeth Removed as an Adult?

woman getting ready for dental work

Can an older adult still have an operation performed to take all four wisdom teeth out? Yes. You’re never too old to get your wisdom teeth removed. Especially if they begin to cause problems for you later in life like teeth crowding or consistent pain—book a trip to chat with your local oral surgeon asap. […]

What Do We Mean When We Say a Tooth is Impacted?

nervous dental patient

If the oral surgeon who’s going to extract your wisdom teeth tells you one or more of them are “impacted,” that means they haven’t been able to come in normally. They might not be able to erupt, they might come in at a crazy angle, or they might get stuck in the jawbone. Whatever the […]

Reasons You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

oral surgeon's chair

The teeth that come in after you lose all your milk teeth – your adult teeth – are meant to last you through your decades of adulthood. But lifestyle choices, accidents, disease – these can all affect how “permanent” your permanent teeth actually are. Getting your wisdom teeth taken out is one time where, yeah, […]