
September is Dental Implant Awareness Month

researching information

With the theme “What’s your reason to smile?,” the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) is sponsoring Dental Implant Awareness Month in September. The celebration focuses on all the ways dental implants can improve lives. By sharing information about the dental implant process – surgery, recovery, materials, cost – the Academy hopes to help candidates for implants […]

Reasons Why Someone Would Need a Tooth Extraction

Mouth Checks Ups

Most of permanent teeth are good for life, but sometimes a tooth needs to be pulled. There are actually quite a few reasons an adult might need a tooth or two removed: Tooth decay may lead to a cavity large enough that the tooth cannot be saved. If facial trauma that involves a major break […]

Understanding Corrective Jaw Surgery

jaw pain

Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, is applied when there’s something wrong with your bite. The structural issues may be congenital, health-related, or a result of facial trauma. Jaw surgery manipulates the position of the upper and lower jaws so they align correctly. Jaw surgery can not only correct a wide range of […]

“I Never Had My Wisdom Teeth Out. Should I?”

nervous dental patient

Do you still have wisdom teeth? Not everyone is born with them, but most who are have them surgically removed as teens or young adults. Many dentists believe it’s better to remove wisdom teeth at a young age, before the roots and bone are fully formed, because they are more easily removed at this stage, […]

What To Expect When You Need A Dental Implant


Dental implants restore natural function and aesthetics. Whether you are missing one, multiple, or all of your teeth, dental implants can provide the foundation to smile and eat with confidence. Implants consist of three components: the implant body, which replaces the tooth root an abutment, which acts as a connector between the implant and the […]

Avoiding Gingivitis

leafy greens

Gingivitis is a type of gum disease that leads to sore gums and caused by plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film, comprised of bacteria, that is found on the teeth and gums. The bacteria can produce toxins that irritate the gums. When plaque hardens into tartar, it can’t be removed with brushing. If your […]

Best Foods to Eat After an Oral Surgery Procedure

jello after oral surgery

What Can You Eat After Oral Surgery? After you’ve had surgery on your mouth, only some foods feel okay to eat. You need to eat what feels comfortable, and you need to ensure you do not complicate your healing process. You also need to avoid sipping through a straw, too, as the air pressure from […]

Is There Anyone Who Is NOT A Good Dental Implant Candidate?

wilmington oral surgery logo

Most adults whose jaw and gums are in good health — and whose overall general health is strong — are good candidates for dental implants. With modern advancements in holistic tooth replacement, even if your jaw needs a bit of help to take a dental implant properly, dental bone grafting can make most people viable candidates […]

Tooth Roots Wrapped Around Jaw Bone

prep for tooth extraction

The description of tooth roots wrapping around the jawbone involves a bit of poetic license; roots can’t actually go around the jaw bone. This is more of a descriptive term for troublesome tooth roots that are a bit more… meandering than they should be. Tooth roots sit within the jaw. But sometimes those roots may […]

Common Causes of Jaw Pain

jaw pain

Jaw pain is no fun. It can make essential activities, like eating and speaking, difficult. There are many things that can cause your jaw to hurt, from benign things like clenching your teeth because you’re stressed, to more serious things like osteoporosis or oral cancers. Luckily, the vast majority of cases of jaw pain have […]

The Connection Between Diet, Oral Hygiene and Tooth Loss

toothbrush for great oral health

Tooth decay and gum disease are the leading causes of tooth loss. There are over 36 million people in the US with no teeth, and over 120 million with at least one missing tooth. Decayed and lost teeth are a result of injury, disease, decay or simple wear and tear. In turn, tooth loss disproportionately […]

Don’t Worry About Dental X-rays

dental xray

Most dentist suggest you have dental x-rays taken yearly. And there’s never a big to-do about it; it only takes moments to get a full 360-degree set of images of your entire mouth and jaw. X-rays can be invaluable, as they can catch big issues early – before they’re even issues at all. Wait – […]