
Pop and Your Teeth

How Soda Can Affect Your Teeth

Pop and sports drinks are the most common drinks of people in their twenties and younger. Unfortunately, there is a high rate of cavities associated with these beverages. The increasing rate of cavities in younger and younger patients has been alarming! The two most common areas of cavities are at the gum line and between teeth. Both of these places are not only difficult to keep clean, but also to repair with fillings.

Carbonated beverages cause damage to teeth for two main reasons. First, there is an extremely large amount of sugar in regular sodas. These sugars can be used as food by the bacteria to cause cavities. Second, pop is acidic, so it eats away at your teeth’s enamel.

Diet sodas and sports drinks also increase the risk of cavities. While diet soda does not have natural sugars, it still can cause cavities. Sport drinks, although having some benefit, contain a significant amount of sugar, which increases the risk of developing cavities.

Surprisingly, the total amount of pop or sport drink intake is not the main factor in creating cavities. Rather, slowly sipping on either of these drinks throughout the day, and repeating this each day, results in the high risk of developing cavities. It is better to drink these beverages in one brief sitting, as this reduces the time of exposure to your teeth. Sip on water throughout the day and enjoy sugary drinks perhaps with a meal. Keep your teeth healthy and show them off with your smile!