
How Much Will Dental Implants Cost?

dental implants

The cost of dental implants varies from case to case, and there is no standard pricing for such work. Oral surgeons who offer dental implants can provide an estimate for you, though, if you first schedule an evaluation. This consultation not only informs the oral surgery team as to what your situation calls for, it also informs you of some of the different options available. Dental implants can be used in several different ways, including dental implant bridges and dentures, so there are options for every budget. Everyone deserves quality, holistic tooth replacement, and so long as your jaw is healthy enough, dental implants are a great option.

Dental Implant Options – All In One Place

Here at Wilmington Oral Surgery, we have all of our equipment and our medical professionals in one place. The advantage to that is that you will be working with the same team – the same friendly, skilled professionals – throughout the multi-step process of getting dental implants. The same people working with you for your consultation will be there for your subsequent visits and follow-up care. Dental implants can be a lengthy process. Occasionally, patients’ mouths are healthy enough to get same- day dental implants, but most of the time, as we tell our patients, maybe the most important criteria to be eligible for dental implants is patience.

Because the initial step of the process is the oral surgery to install the implant, you have to give your jaw time to heal around it before you can have the permanent crown attached. During this time, depending on where you’re getting the dental implant, you might be dealing with a temporary tooth replacement solution like dentures. It can take a few months, or a bit longer if you needed dental bone grafting, too.

By having everything housed at the same location, we are able to provide better value, a less expensive set of procedures, and the consistent, thorough recovery care that are often more difficult when visits are spread across different facilities in different buildings. Everything is here under one roof, at one easily-accessible office, with a consistent team of longtime colleagues.

Simplified Billing

Another advantage of having the entire oral procedure done at one location is that one bill covers the entire set of procedures, without hidden costs or surprise charges popping up.

Since dental insurance and medical insurance often do not cover dental implants, we can also assist you in figuring out financing. There are a number of third-party financing options we can look into. Many of our patients qualify for these financing options, and our staff is well acquainted with the services these third-party companies provide.

To schedule a consultation, please use our contact form, or give us a call at 937-382-8020.