
Need Cheap Wisdom Teeth Removal? We Can Save You $600 to $800

thumbs up for saving money on oral surgery

Seeing an oral surgeon to get your wisdom teeth extracted your senior year of high school is so common in our country that it’s basically a rite of passage. Not that it’s fun, but it is necessary for most of us. And you’ve probably heard that wisdom teeth removal doesn’t come cheap. Guess what? We’ve got good news: we can extract wisdom teeth for a lot cheaper than most. We’re an affordable oral surgeon because we go the extra mile to reduce costs for our patients.

Not only that, but you’ll probably have a better experience. Because of our unique approaches to care, sedation dentistry, and how we work with insurance companies, we can offer cheap wisdom teeth removal without compromising the quality of care. We minimize costs and recovery time while optimizing your level of care with the right sedation dentistry, holistic surgical techniques and a gentle hand.

We like to take extra care with our patients. We hate to gloat, but our patients love us. We’re often told Dr. Puckett is worth the drive. We have a caring team and state of the art technology. That’s why we have patients who don’t mind the drive from Cincinnati to Wilmington. In fact, many drive much farther. So long as you can get a friend to make the drive with you, having Dr. Puckett as your wisdom tooth removal surgeon is worth a bit of a road trip, both in cost savings and in-office experience.

Why Our Wisdom Teeth Removals are So Affordable

Here’s the thing — we can likely save you $600 to $800 from most other surgical centers that extract wisdom teeth. That may sound too good to be true, but the truth is we work really hard to be the most affordable option. When we say cheap wisdom teeth removal, we mean it.

Here’s how we keep our prices down so you save more:

First, we only charge you for the anesthesia time needed, not just what your insurance will pay for. We don’t like to milk your insurance company — and by extension, you. We cut our costs to make your procedure more affordable; most oral surgeons charge for anesthesia in time increments, meaning you might get charged for 60 minutes when in fact they only used 40 minutes. We charge for the 40 minutes and nothing more. The secret to affordable wisdom teeth removal comes down to approach.

The second method we use to reduce the cost of your wisdom tooth extraction is that we only code for the exact position of the teeth — not a level higher. This alone can save you $100 per tooth. Third, we base our fees on what we think is affordable and fair, not the ‘Fee Schedule’ book most oral surgeons use.

Finally, we remind the insurance company we’re the maxillofacial surgeon, not them. We do only work that’s necessary, but we do it right — and as pain free as possible. Most insurance companies won’t cover commonly used extraction codes because they want us to overbill you. They also will review anesthesia coverage, which is as shady as it sounds. We believe you should be given the right amount of sedation dentistry to make you comfortable — not just what your insurance company says is enough.

Dr. Puckett, on the other hand, wants you to feel as comfortable as possible. We don’t cut corners, but we do cut costs. There’s a big difference.

An Affordable Comfortable Care Experience

So no, you don’t have to pay a fortune to have your wisdom teeth removed. We do everything we can to make our dental care more affordable and comfortable. That way you save not only money, but pain and anxiety. If your teen is about at that age where it’s time to start thinking about seeing an oral surgeon for a consultation on wisdom tooth removal, give our office a call. We’re happy to answer any questions or concerns, and schedule you a consultation with Dr. Puckett.

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Tues, Wed, Thurs
8:00am – 4:30pm

8:00am – 2:00pm