
What Does It Mean That My Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted?

wisdom tooth pain

Impacted wisdom teeth are very common. Of the 32 adult teeth that erupt, the wisdom teeth (also known as the third molars) are the final four to arrive. In many cases, the 28 teeth already in place fill most of the mouth, and therefore create a difficult situation. The wisdom teeth may twist, tilt, or displace other teeth as they emerge.

Don’t Ignore Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Based on where these third molar teeth sit within the jaws, different kinds of impaction can take place. If the teeth have gone through the bone, but have not yet erupted through the gum, this can cause soft tissue impaction – the crown is still covered by the gum. If the teeth have not fully emerged from the jawbone, this can cause partial bony impaction. When the teeth are still fully within the jawbone, we call this complete bony impaction.

If you do not treat impacted wisdom teeth, you can get gum disease or tooth decay. You can also get ever-increasing degrees of facial pain, and damage to the rest of your teeth.

When wisdom teeth come in – often between age 17 and age 25 – they do not always create symptoms. Some people have impacted teeth and do not know it. For others, it is often the gums on top of the erupting teeth that swell or become infected. You may experience swelling around the jaw, headaches, bleeding gums, swollen gums, or bad breath. You may also experience an unpleasant taste when you eat.

Please call us at 937-382-8020 if you experience any of these symptoms, or if you would like to schedule a consultation.