
Referral Program

Earn Up to $25 for Every Customer You Refer to Wilmington Oral Surgery

The Best Oral Surgeon

Know someone looking for the best oral surgeon in Ohio? Simply print out the referral form below and fill out the relevant information. Give the filled out form to your referral and let us handle the rest!

$50 Joint Payout


$30 Joint Payout

Wisdom Teeth

Wilmington Oral Surgery continues to pursue innovative ways to bring value to patients both in and out of the office. Our referral program is a simple and low-effort way to earn a bit of extra cash for sending patients our way.

For over 16 years Wilmington Oral Surgery served customers with compassionate excellence and has been referred to as the best oral surgeon in Cincinnati. We are excited to continue uphold our values and provide the highest level of care to everyone that walks through our doors.

Print Out the Referral Form

The referral form below can be printed at home, or downloaded, filled in and emailed to our front desk. All required information is indicated on the form with an * asterisk. Email directions are included on the form.

Referral Program Terms & Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before participating in the Wilmington Oral Surgery referral program.

  1. Eligibility: The referral program is open to all patients of Wilmington Oral Surgery except for employees and their immediate family members.
    Referral Rewards: Patients of Wilmington Oral Surgery can earn a referral payout of $25 for a successful dental implant patient referral and $15 for a successful referral for wisdom teeth extraction. Payments will be made on a quarterly basis via check, to the address provided on the referral form they submit. The referrer can not earn a referral payout for referring a spouse or child that still lives at home.
  2. Payment: Payments will only be made when the referred customer has successfully completed and paid for their surgery. If the referring party has a change of address, but does not notify Wilmington Oral Surgery, Wilmington Oral Surgery is not liable for loss of funds and will not reprint the check.
  3. Referral Limit: There is no limit to how many referrals you make, however, the payment will only be counted towards your payout when the referred customer has successfully completed and paid for their surgery.
  4. Program Changes: Wilmington Oral Surgery reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the referral program, in whole or in part, at any time without notice, for any reason.
  5. Marketing: By submitting the referral form, referrers are opting in to receive Wilmington Oral Surgery marketing materials to the details provided. Marketing may include email, SMS, postcards, or any legal marketing practice. Referrers may opt-out of receiving marketing materials at any time by following the opt-out instructions provided in the marketing materials or by contacting Wilmington Oral Surgery directly. Please note that opting out of marketing materials will not impact your eligibility for referral rewards under this program.

By participating in the referral program, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you may not participate in the referral program.