
Looking For a Pediatric Oral Surgeon Near You Doesn’t Have to be Stressful

If you’ve been told your child needs surgery to correct a dental, facial or jaw problem, you may be concerned about finding a pediatric oral surgeon near where you live, who is highly experienced in working with children. Oral and maxillofacial surgeries are a real specialization in their own right, but pediatric maxillofacial surgery might as well be a whole specialty of its own. The developing structures of the mouth and face in infants, toddlers, children and teens, present different challenges than those of adults. So when you find a pediatric oral surgeon, make sure their practice really focuses on the “pediatric” part of that.

“Find a Pediatric Oral Surgeon Near Me” – It’s a Common Search

girl not nervous about pediatric oral surgery

Step one in finding an oral surgeon for your child is to ask your dentist for a recommendation. Call the surgeon’s office to discuss your situation. Schedule a consultation, both so you can vet the maxillofacial surgeon and also so you can gauge whether your son or daughter feels comfortable with the doctor. Surgeons who work extensively with children are skilled at putting young ones at ease.

Then check out a few more options. Who have your friends and family used for their children? Would they use that oral surgeon again? Was the staff readily available if their child had a complication? Was the office environment bright, friendly, clean and calm?

How Far Would you Drive for Oral Surgery for Peace of Mind?

Many people in the greater Cincinnati area take their children to Dr. Puckett for oral surgery procedures. Dr. Puckett has been practicing for over 19 years, treating adults and children alike.

Hundreds of Greater Cincinnatians have used Wilmington Oral Surgery for their children’s oral surgery needs. So feel confident about your choice and contact the office to discuss your child’s oral surgery needs today.