
Wisdom Teeth Patient Wins Free Super Bowl Tickets

philadelphia liberty bell

A young Philadelphia woman, Haley Parks, happened to be caught on video after her wisdom teeth removal procedure.

And Parks, 21, happened to talk about her undying love for the Philadelphia Eagles.

And the video happened to go viral.

What happened next, much to Haley Parks’ thrill and delight, was a surprise. The Eagles’ management saw the video – in which an anesthesia-dizzied Parks breathlessly exclaimed, “I love the Eagles – they’re like my sisters” – and loved it.

Parks’ mother shot the video on her phone, after a post-surgery Parks thought she had slept through the Super Bowl.

The Eagles’ office gave Parks a pair of tickets to the Super Bowl in Minneapolis, where she was able to see her beloved Eagles sisters defeat the New England Patriots in a come-from-behind, upset victory.

Parks, a student at Rutgers University in New Jersey, was shocked at the response her mom’s camera-phone video received. Within four days of the video going onto Facebook, 3.4 million people had watched it. Parks’ father, Bob Parks, had posted the video, and he and his daughter were drinking at a local happy hour when they started receiving text messages from friends.

“Random people I didn’t know were saying, ‘They gave you tickets!’” said the younger Parks. “I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’”

We at Wilmington Oral Surgery do not recommend shooting video of your family members after wisdom teeth removal, but occasionally such an action can result in happy surprises.

If you or any other Cincinnati Bengals fans are in need of wisdom teeth surgery, do not hesitate to call us at 937-382-8020.