
Different Mouthguards Available For Protection Of Teeth

mouth guard

Various Options For Mouthguards

A mouthguard custom designed to fit your mouth will be more comfortable and offer greater protection. It will also be more resilient and tear resistant. It must minimally interfere with speaking and breathing. Not only must it fit properly, it should have enough thickness in critical areas to fully protect your teeth and jaws.

Your athlete’s teeth and oral health deserve the best protection available. Addressed below are the options in mouthguards and the significant benefits of custom mouthguards.

Stock Mouthguard

You can easily find stock mouthguards at your average sporting goods store. Keep in mind you will be limited in size selection. This type also tends to offer the least protection. They are ready for use right out of the package. Because these mouthguards are bulky and lacking retention, constant biting is required to keep the mouthguard in place. Many athletes will make their own custom, DIY alterations for comfort, but this can reduce the protection of the mouthguard.  Because of their lack of protection, we caution against stock mouthguards as an option for any serious athlete.

Mouth Formed (Boil and Bite) Mouthguard

Boil mouthguards are popular. But keep in mind that studies have shown this type to not full cover all posterior teeth in most individuals. Many athletes also cut their mouthguards, which make them less effective.

Custom Mouthguard

Only custom mouthguards meet all of the criteria for maximum protection, as discussed above. Most importantly, custom mouthguards will provide optimal thickness and retention. In addition to the impressions taken to make a custom mouthguard, our office will perform a complimentary general oral exam and, if necessary, obtain a screening x-ray to evaluate the overall condition of the teeth and jaws. Working together, we can keep our athletes as safe as possible in practice and during games.